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IGSA Partnerships

What Are Intergovernmental Support Agreements?

Intergovernmental Support Agreements (IGSAs), 10 USC 2679, were established through the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) Fiscal Year 2013 (FY 13) as formal public-public partnerships agreements between Army installations and their State or local governments for the provision, receipt, or sharing of installation support services.

NDAA FY 13, section 331, provided broad legislation for all military Services to enter into public-public partnerships for installation support services, excluding security guard and fire-fighting functions. These services may be sole sourced to State and local governments.

The Department of Defense (DoD) initially interpreted the legislation to require the use of the FAR for all IGSAs involving the provision of goods and services to the government, though the agreement could be sole sourced. Because municipalities have no or limited experience with the FAR, they were cautious about entering into contracts without detailed understanding of each clause. This slowed progress on IGSAs.

In response, NDAA FY 15, section 351 clarifies that IGSAs do not require the use of the FAR and leaves the determination of the best legal instrument to document the partnership up to each Service Secretary. It also includes the requirement while the IGSA can still be sole sourced, if either of the IGSA participants contracts for a service covered by the IGSA, that contract must be competitive. NDAA FY 15, section 351 has had a positive effect on the progress of IGSAs as use of simpler legal instruments expedited the partnership process. Because most State and local governments compete their contracts to ensure the best price, the additional requirement for competitive contracts has not proven to be a significant issue.

Who Can Be An IGSA Partner?

State or local governments, to include regional grouping of the same, may partner with installations.

The term “State” includes:

  • District of Columbia
  • Commonwealths of Puerto Rico and the Northern Mariana Islands
  • American Samoa
  • Guam
  • United States Virgin Islands
  • Any agency or instrumentality of a State

The term “local government” includes:

  • a county
  • parish
  • municipality
  • city
  • town
  • township
  • local public authority
  • school district
  • public universities
  • special district
  • any agency or instrumentality of a local government

Benefits of Partnership

Military installations and civilian communities are inextricably linked together. Most of Soldiers and their families live, shop, work, play and go to school in town. The Army depends on our surrounding communities to teach our children, protect our loved ones and provide infrastructure so that the Soldiers may fulfill their duties on the post. Partnerships directly support Army families through the creation of new jobs for spouses, increased educational programs that the children of Army families can benefit from, and increased access to installation services that enhance the quality of life for the broader community, which, in turn supports Army families that live off post. Generally, partnerships focused on training opportunities, children and youth services, spousal employment, and other Morale, Welfare and Recreation requirements benefit both military and community families. However, other partnerships focused on operational efficiencies also provide significant benefits to all families in the Army and the local community.

Current as of 9 November 2023