About DCS, G-9
The Deputy Chief of Staff, G-9 (Installations) serves as the principal military advisor to the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy and Environment and the Chief of Staff of the Army. The DCS, G-9 also advises the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Manpower and Reserve Affairs on Soldier and Family readiness support. The G-9 portfolio includes housing, military construction and infrastructure investment, child care, energy and water security, resilience and sustainability, and installation environmental management and stewardship, and other installation related concerns.

The DCS, G-9 leads integration across the Army Enterprise to modernize installations, enhance quality of life, and develop and implement policies, plans, and programs that enable the Army to recruit, train, deploy, fight, and win.

Dedicated professionals driving excellence across the Army Installations Enterprise to support Soldiers, Families, and Army Civilians wherever they train, work, and live.
The Secretary of the Army and Army Chief of Staff established the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management (ACSIM) via General Order-15 published in July 1993. The intent of the order was to establish an Army Staff element in the Pentagon that mirrored garrison operations at the installation for a more effective integrated approach. General Order-04, published in August 2002, directed creation of the Installation Management Activity (IMA) as a Field Operating Agency to ACSIM. The IMA was a precursor to the U.S. Army Installation Management Command (IMCOM); IMA assisted ACSIM in implementing the concept of centralized installation management.
General Order-38, published in October 2006, re-designated IMA as IMCOM; assigned IMCOM as a Direct Reporting Unit (DRU) to ACSIM, and dual-hatted the roles of ACSIM and IMCOM Commanding General as a single three-star General Officer. Army senior leaders decided in 2015 to divide the two roles of the ACSIM Army staff principal and the commanding general of IMCOM between two separate General Officers GO). The Army briefed Office of the Secretary of Defense leaders and Congressional committees on an initiative to create the second three-star GO billet to increase bandwidth, enabling the ACSIM to fully focus on Headquarters, Department of the Army roles and responsibilities, and the IMCOM CG to fully focus on the complicated and complex demands of installation execution. General Order-05 directed appointment of separate three-star GOs for each position, and also re-assigned IMCOM as a DRU to the Army Chief of Staff in October 2015.
On September 26, 2019, the U.S. Senate appointed LTG Jason T. Evans as Deputy Chief of Staff, G-9, to replace LTG Gwen Bingham, the out-going ACSIM. The Secretary of the Army approved Army General Order 2019-23, on October 2, 2019, for the Redesignation of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Installation Management as the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-9. The DCS, G-9 retains the same HQDA staff principal duties assigned to the ACSIM under General Order-01. The DCS, G-9 will continue to work with the Army secretariat and command stakeholders to enhance processes and procedures to optimize support for the U.S. Army’s installation operations to enable Total Army readiness, modernization and reform. The DCS, G-9 supports installations by synchronizing programs, processes and regulatory guidance, and championing resource requirements for infrastructure and installation services to enable Total Army Readiness and quality of life for the Army’s number one priority and greatest resource: People!
Current as of 6 November 2023