Who We Are
The Operations Directorate fully supports the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-9’s and the Department of the Army’s facilities, energy, and garrison readiness reporting goals for Army Installations now and in the future.

What We Do
The Operations Directorate oversees the development and coordination of program requirements, strategy, regulatory guidance, and reporting pertaining to facilities, energy, military construction, and real property that support Army objectives and improves the quality of life for Soldiers, Civilians, and Families.
The goals and objectives of the Operations Directorate are to oversee the Army Facilities and Energy Program and implement guidance; manage Army property under Base Realignment and Closure; develop and provide input to the Joint Strategic, Long Range, and Master Planning for Army Facilities; program Army Active and Reserve Military Construction (MILCON); oversee master planning; integrate joint basing; execute Program Objective Memorandum requirements in accordance with Senior Leader Guidance and priorities; manage and account for Army’s Real Property; manage the installation status report and Defense Readiness Reporting System-Army (DRRS-A); and manage and execute the DCS, G-9’s Management Special Initiatives.
Our Functions
Operations Division
The Operations Division’s mission is to enhance installation operations, modernizing them and making them more efficient and effective; establishing requirements and standards for facilities and services; and identifying and defending resource requirements for facility sustainment, restoration and modernization, and base operations support.
Real Property Division
The Plans Division provides planners and subject matter experts that integrate, and synchronize strategic stationing, joint basing and global posture initiatives to accomplish major goals and objectives in the Army Campaign Plan and Senior Leader decision-making forums.
Construction Division
The Construction Division is responsible for overseeing prioritization of military construction projects; developing the annual budget estimate submission to the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD); developing the annual President’s Budget submission; and managing the congressionally approved Army Military Construction (MILCON) and Non-appropriated Funded (NAF) programs.
Facilities, Energy and Engineering Division
The Facilities Division is responsible for regulatory guidance, procedures, and resources in the areas of utilities, vertical structures, horizontal transportation systems, and facilities management to ensure the availability of efficient and affordable public works services and infrastructure in support of military operational missions. The division provides Army direction for obtaining and maintaining quality facilities for Soldiers, Family members, and the Civilian workforce.