Transforming Army Installations Through Partnerships
Military installations and civilian communities are inseparably linked. Most of our members and their families live, shop, work, play, and go to school in their surrounding town or county. In fact, we now depend on our surrounding communities to teach our children, protect our loved ones, and provide infrastructure so Soldiers may fulfill their duties on the post. We seek partnerships for the benefit of all citizens.
The DCS, G-9 is leading the way for Army in encouraging regular Army and reserve components installations to meet with municipalities and states to further engage in a mutually beneficial partnering process. This process includes remaining open to potential Inter Governmental Support Agreements and partnership opportunities with the private sector.
Army partnerships are a vital tool for accomplishing key Army goals. Partnerships encourage innovation and collaboration between partners, which drives modernization throughout the Army. Additionally, partnerships identify cost efficiencies, reduce installation service response times, and improve communications, which contribute to Army readiness, modernization and reform.
Benefits of Partnership
Military installations and civilian communities are inextricably linked together. Most of Soldiers and their families live, shop, work, play and go to school in town. The Army depends on our surrounding communities to teach our children, protect our loved ones and provide infrastructure so that the Soldiers may fulfill their duties on the post. Partnerships directly support Army families through the creation of new jobs for spouses, increased educational programs that the children of Army families can benefit from, and increased access to installation services that enhance the quality of life for the broader community, which, in turn supports Army families that live off post. Generally, partnerships focused on training opportunities, children and youth services, spousal employment, and other Morale, Welfare and Recreation requirements benefit both military and community families. However, other partnerships focused on operational efficiencies also provide significant benefits to all families in the Army and the local community.

- Defense Community Regional Forums
- Annapolis, MC
- June 5-6
- Fairbanks, AK
- August 29-30
- Raleigh, NC
- September 26-27
- Annapolis, MC
- ADC Installation Innovation
- Orlando, FL
- November 6-8
- Orlando, FL
- Defense Contracting Events | Defense Leadership Forum
- Honolulu, HI
- October 17-19
- Huntsville, AL
- April 2024
- Honolulu, HI
What Are Intergovernmental Support Agreements?
What is the legal authority underpinning IGSAs?
Who can the Army partner with?
I have more questions regarding the IGSA program - Who should I contact?

Fort Polk and Vernon Parish Police Jury – Solid Waste Removal IGSA
Fort Bragg – Custodial and Facility Maintenance Services at Museum IGSAs
Fort Riley and Manhattan, Kansas – Salt Bulk Purchase IGSA
Current as of 5 January 2024