Installation Services Directorate (ISD)

Who We Are
The Installation Services Directorate is comprised of installation management professionals who work diligently to ensure the provision of an array of essential installation services found at vibrant Army Communities where Soldiers, Families, and Civilians live, work and thrive.
What We Do
The Installation Services Directorate helps create and sustain installation readiness by recommending strategies, policies, resource requirements, and priorities for: Army housing, environmental stewardship, installation logistics, and partnerships.
Current as of 9 November 2022
Who We Are
The Environmental Division is the Army Staff proponent responsible for regulatory guidance, prioritization, resourcing, and supervision of Army environmental and Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) programs execution.
What We Do
The Environmental Division manages Army environmental programs in support of the institutional and operational Army.Serves as execution authority on behalf of the Army to establish program priorities and approve work plans.Plans and programs resources; develops regulations, strategic plans, implementation and program guidance for the Army.Conducts periodic environmental program management/execution reviews to assess program performance.Manages the development, coordination and execution of program requirements, strategy, and regulatory guidance pertaining to the Army’s BRAC program.Serves as principal advisor to the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-9, for environmental and BRAC programs.
Current as of 9 November 2022
Our Functions
Environmental Compliance
Environmental Conservation
Environmental Cleanup
Pollution Prevention
Who We Are
The Army Housing Division is responsible for recommending policy, prioritization, resourcing and supervising installation execution of Housing and Lodging programs that support Soldiers and Families worldwide. The division is comprised of three branches; Government-Owned Housing, Privatized Housing and Lodging, and Housing Operations.
Each branch has a distinct role in installation operations that ranges from providing advocacy for Family, Unaccompanied and Community Housing to providing policy compliance, prioritization, resourcing and oversight of 34 Residential Communities Initiatives (RCI) projects, five Unaccompanied Privatized Housing projects and one Privatization of Army Lodging (PAL) project. In addition, the division serves as the primary advocate within the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-9 for the Army Barracks Management Program (ABMP).
What We Do
The Army Housing Division advocates for policies and programs that provide Soldiers and Families a quality of life commensurate with their service and sacrifice. The division:
- Implements housing policy for the Secretary of the Army and the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-9
- Engages private/public-sector partners to help monitor implementation of the Tenant Bill of Rights and identify best practices and lessons-learned to improve efficiencies and increase cost savings in Army programs
- Preserves Army assets through execution of a comprehensive portfolio and asset management program
- Plans and programs funds to carry out Family Housing and unaccompanied housing missions
- Finds innovative ways to provide and improve quality housing facilities and services
- Executes programs to minimize Soldier's out-of-pocket expenses
Current as of 9 November 2022
Our Functions
Off-post Housing Services
Family Unaccompanied (Barracks) Government-owned and Leased Housing
General Flag Officer Quarters
Training/Mobilization Barracks
Manage Privatized Family & Unaccompanied Privatized Housing Portfolios
Manage Privatization of Army Lodging Portfolio (40 installations)
Housing and Barracks Furnishings
Housing and Barracks Facility Standards
- Army Housing Online User Services Website
- Army Housing Facebook Page
- Army Housing Twitter Page
- Army Housing YouTube Page
- Navy Housing
- Air Force Housing
- Residential Communities Initiative (RCI)
- Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Energy and Environment (ASA(IE&E))
- Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Installations, Housing and Partnerships DASA(IH&P)
- Privatization of Army Lodging (PAL)
Who We Are
The Logistics Services Division is responsible for recommending policy, prioritization, resourcing, and oversight of programs supporting installation logistics base operations services. Key focus areas include non-tactical vehicle (NTV) leasing, procurement, and maintenance, fire and emergency services, laundry and dry cleaning, civilian inmate labor, and administrative office furniture. Our goal is to provide preeminent staff support to empower Army garrisons with capabilities to deliver the highest quality logistics services to Soldiers, Families, and Civilians.
What We Do
The Logistics Services Division annually programs funds for logistics requirements in the areas of NTV leasing and procurement, maintenance of Army-owned NTVs, fire and emergency services, and laundry and dry cleaning. In addition, the division also provides policy and program oversight for civilian inmate labor and administrative office furniture.
Current as of 9 November 2022
Our Functions
Transportation Services (Non-tactical Vehicles)
Materiel Support Maintenance
Fire and Emergency Services
Civilian Inmate Labor
Laundry and Dry Cleaning
Administrative Office Furniture
Who We Are
The Privatization and Partnerships Division is responsible for recommending policies, developing regulatory guidance, prioritizing and programming resources, and supervising installation execution of 34 individual Residential Communities Initiative (RCI) projects and one Privatization of Army Lodging (PAL) project at 39 Army installations. The Division serves as the Army's center of excellence for privatization and partnerships expertise, supporting Soldiers, Families, and Civilians to maximize and sustain Army assets and services through the use of privatization and partnerships initiatives.
What We Do
The Privatization Division maximizes the value of Army assets for Soldiers, Families, and Civilians through privatization and partnership programs that:
Create linkages between DCS, G-9 and executing Army commands to promote opportunities to leverage government resources
Engage private/public-sector partners for best practices and lessons-learned to improve efficiencies and increase cost savings in Army programs
Evaluate new opportunities to transform Army assets to maximize value for the Army
Preserve Army assets through execution of a comprehensive portfolio and asset management program
Current as of 9 November 2022
Our Functions
Army Privatized Family Housing/Residential Communities Initiative (RCI)
RCI Unaccompanied Housing
Privatization of Army Lodging (PAL)
Utilities Privatization (UP)
Enhanced Use Leasing (EUL)
RCI Energy Conservation Program (RECP), aka, “Live Army Green”
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