Resource Integration Directorate (RID)

Who We Are
The Resource Integration Directorate serves as the Installation Program Evaluation Group (II PEG) Program Objective Memorandum (POM) administrator in support of the Army’s Planning, Programming and Budget Execution process.
The II PEG, one of five PEGs that support Army planning, programming and budgeting, is Co-Chaired by the Assistant Secretary of the Army (Installations, Energy and Environment) (ASA (IE&E)) and the Commanding General (CG), Army Materiel Command (AMC). The Installation portfolio makes up approximately 15% of the Army Budget and is made up of services and programs much like those associated with a municipality - public works, security protection, logistics, environment, family programs, infrastructure (construction and sustainment), housing, and garrison/mission support. It supports all components - Regular Army, National Guard, and Army Reserve.
What We Do
The Resource Integration Directorate provides II PEG strategic oversight and guidance, executes administrative responsibilities, provides analysis, and ensures critical programs are funded to achieve optimal desired end states.