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Image of Steve W Suh
Stephen (Steve) W. Suh

Director of Resource Integration

Deputy Chief of Staff, G-9

Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-9 Headquarters Department of the Army Washington, D.C.

Stephen “Steve” W. Suh serves as Director, Resource Integration, for the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-9. In this role, he serves as the senior advisor to the Deputy Chief of Staff, G-9, for the essential functions pertaining to planning, programming, budgeting, and execution of installation management resources. As the PEG Manager for Title 10 Installations Program Evaluation Group (II PEG), Mr. Suh is responsible for a $21 billion annual program that includes operation, maintenance and military construction funding, representing seven Army Staff Functionals and 38 commands Army wide that encompasses 114 installations in 54 states and territories. Mr. Suh was appointed to the Senior Executive Service in January 2023 and assumed his position as Director, Resource Integration, in December 2024.

Prior to his current assignment, Mr. Suh served as the Associate Director for Defense-Wide Programs in the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), where he was responsible for the budgeting and execution of the O&M accounts totaling $50 billion for 27 Defense agencies and field activities, including the operations of the Department’s higher headquarters activities. Mr. Suh ensured unity of effort among the community of 200 senior financial professionals across all DAFAs and led engagements with Defense Appropriations Committee staff.

In addition to his executive level positions, Mr. Suh held other budget and financial management roles at OUSD(C), covering defense-wide issues, and at the Defense Security Cooperation Agency, where he managed the financial operations and policy of the Foreign Military Sales program and directed engagements with NATO and other foreign partners.

Before joining DoD, Mr. Suh was at the White House Office of Management Budget, where he oversaw budget formulation and execution activities for homeland security, nuclear security and intelligence programs, and served on various White House interagency committees. While at OMB, Mr. Suh was detailed to the National Nuclear Security Agency as a technical advisor to the Assistant Deputy Administrator for Global Threat Reduction focused on domestic efforts to combat weapons of mass destruction and international engagements with the International Atomic Energy Agency. Mr. Suh has 25 years of federal service.

Mr. Suh’s other professional experiences include tax consulting and teaching abroad. Mr. Suh earned a BS from the University of California, Los Angeles, an MPP from the University of Michigan, and an MBA from the University of Maryland. Mr. Suh has attained his DoD Financial Management Certification (Level 3).

Current as of 17 March 2025